Pang Valley Flood Forum

Working collaboratively to reduce flood risk throughout the communities in the Pang Valley

Welcome to the Pang Valley Flood Forum

We bring together the communities in the Pang Valley to work with the Environment Agency, West Berkshire Council and Thames Water to reduce flood risk through the Pang Valley.

Key new documents or features

NEW Map - National Flood Map
Map - new layers:
  • Met Office Climate Change precipitation projections

What's on the website

About Us  The aims and objectives of the flood forum.
Dashboard  Monitor river, rain and groundwater data.
If you wish to download ALL our data, click here for more info.
Map  See the flood risk points, planned slow and fast areas and EA flood risk information combined on a map.
Action Plan  Track the actions that we manage with the EA, WBC and Thames Water.
Projects  See our completed and in progress projects and a summary of the forum's key achievements.
Videos  See our videos on our YouTube channel.
Documents  Our searchable library of documents and photographs.

Emergencies and Concerns

Report a blocked river, flooding emergency, trapped fish Environment Agency emergencies
Note that sometimes it's not a bad thing if the river is a bit blocked (in certain places).
Check the Map to see where it's ok for the river to run slowly.
Highways drainage and non-river, non-sewer flooding Report local flooding to West Berkshire Council
Use 'Location Search' to find where the flooding is. Click the map, select "Report issue with Flooding" is there is a local flood or "Report issue with Drainage". If there's a problem with a road drain grill, select it on the map and select "Report a problem with this..."
Sewer or Thames Water flooding problem Report a problem to Thames Water

EA Flood Warnings and Alerts

Sign up for call/text/email alerts from the Environment Agency when they issue a Flood Warning or Alert for your area.

Our Dashboard shows active Flood Warnings or Alerts.

Type What it means Who should pay attention
Flood Warning Severe Flood Warning Severe flooding. Danger to life. People living in or near flood risk areas
Flood Warning Flood Warning Flooding of Properties is expected. People living in flood risk areas
Flood Alert Flood Alert Flooding of fields, minor roads is possible. Flood wardens, farmers
Flood Warning Warnings Ended No further flooding is expected.  

This table is a summary of the Environment Agency's guidance.

Want to create a Flood Forum website?

We have created a guide for flood forum groups who want to create a website similar to this - starting with something simple and then growing in sophistication.
This guide set outs 'what is easy / medium / hard' to do, depending on the ability of the most technical person in the flood forum. It also shows what is free or reasonably cheap.

 How to create a Flood Forum website
 See examples and download code

National Flood Map

As well as a dedicated PVFF Flood Map that contains map layers from various sources and map layers that are specific to the Pang Valley, we now also provide a National Flood Map, showing many layers for all of Great Britain (or to the extent that the map layer providers provide their data).

Contact us to get involved

To get involved, please email us. We can introduce you to your local flood warden or you might want to come to a meeting to share your ideas.

To join as a member of the PVFF and to be invited to our meetings or to alter your membership details, please use our online membership form.

Join Us:  Online membership form
Email:  pangvalleyfloodforum@gmail.com
PVFF Chair:  Kay Lacey
PVFF Vice Chair:  Piers Allison
Tech Subgroup Chair:  Brian Connorton

Future PVFF Meetings

Download our data

If you wish to download ALL our data, click here for more info.